How to Steal a Dog

Georgina Hayes needs to find a way to make some quick money. Her dad left Georgina, her mom, and her little brother with almost nothing, and they’ve been living in their car for way too long. They need a home, but Georgina’s mom is working two jobs and still struggling to make the money needed to make a deposit on a house or apartment. Georgina knows there’s got to be a way to help her mom, but what is this young girl supposed to do?

Well, after seeing a reward poster for a missing dog, Georgina gets the bright idea to steal a dog. But it can’t be just any dog. It has to be a quiet, friendly dog. A dog that is loved by its owner. A dog that someone would pay a lot of money to get back.

Georgina writes down her dog-theft plan in her notebook, and, with the help of her little brother Toby, she puts her plan into action. She finds the perfect dog, nabs him, and waits for the reward posters to go up. But nothing really happens the way Georgina wants it to. She feels guilty about what she’s done, and the dog’s owner may not have enough money for a big reward. This sticky situation is quickly spiraling out of control, and Georgina doesn’t know which way to turn.

Can Georgina turn things around and get the money she and her family need? Will she do the right thing, or will she see her dognapping through to the bitter end? What will happen to make Georgina face all the wrongs in her life and do what she must to make things right? Read How to Steal a Dog by Barbara O’Connor to find out!

Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus

Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus picks up where Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue ended, and the kids from McQuarrie Middle School are in for yet another adventure…one without Origami Yoda!

Now that the FunTime Menace is no more, the students of McQuarrie Middle now get to enjoy things like elective classes and, of course, their highly anticipated field trip to Washington, DC. But what will they do when Rabbski, their principal-turned-math-teacher declares that origami–especially Origami Yoda–is off-limits? How will these seventh graders survive without the sage advice of Origami Yoda?!

Have no fear! Dwight is here…with a bunch of Fruit Roll-Ups he folds into Fruitigami Yodas. Unfortunately, the vile Harvey also comes prepared with EMPEROR PICKLETINE, the most evil, sour, and smelly being in the galaxy! Harvey and Emperor Pickletine seem bent on ruining this field trip, and the Dark Side may be more powerful than anyone realized. Is Fruitigami Yoda strong enough to fight this new threat?

As the seventh graders of McQuarrie Middle explore Washington, DC (and get into a fair amount of trouble), a battle is brewing between the Dark and Light Sides of the Force.

Who will win? Will Yoda come through for the Origami Rebellion one more time? Well, I can’t say. But I can tell you that this final battle is full of mischief-making, fisticuffs, space food, and even a little bit of smooching! I’ll leave it to you to find out who does what!

To learn more about all things Origami Yoda, click here. May the Force be with you!

The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett

In this fourth book in the Origami Yoda series, the students of McQuarrie Middle School are facing a terrible evil.  More evil than the Empire. More evil than a Sith Lord without his morning coffee.  More evil than Jar Jar Binks. (Well, maybe not that bad.)  This semester, the school is eliminating all electives–Lego robotics, drama, music, yearbook–and forcing kids to spend those class times watching the horrible FunTime videos that are supposed to help increase standardized test scores.

As one can probably imagine, the students are not happy about this, and, with the help of Captain Dwight and Origami Yoda, they decide to do something about it. The students of McQuarrie Middle form their own Rebel Alliance and try to figure out a way to put an end to FunTime (and it’s stupid singing calculator). Their plan is risky, but it may just work if they can get enough kids on board. Armed with a battalion of origami Star Wars figures, the students of McQuarrie Middle seek to restore order and balance to the Force at their school.

Will the Rebel Alliance succeed in defeating the dreaded FunTime Menace, or is this war bigger than they realize? And what will this rebel band do when help comes from a surprising source? Learn just how much a determined group of kids can accomplish when you read The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett by Tom Angleberger! May the Force be with you!

The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee

Warning!  Read The Strange Case of Origami Yoda and Darth Paper Strikes Back before continuing.  The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee picks up right where Darth Paper left off.

When we last saw the students at McQuarrie Middle School, Dwight (the “owner and operator” of the famous Origami Yoda) had been suspended.  He is now attending Tippett Academy, and his friends (Tommy, Kellen, and the gang) aren’t quite sure what to do without him…or Origami Yoda.  Who will give them the advice they need?  Who will keep them from embarrassment and trouble?

Chewbacca to the rescue!!!   Sara has arrived with the Fortune Wookiee!  This paper fortune teller, along with his companion Han Foldo, has come to McQuarrie Middle to guide students in the ways of the Force (even though Chewie and Han never used the Force).  But why does the Fortune Wookiee’s advice seem to get the guys to do exactly what the girls want them to do?  This is one mystery that needs to be solved!

Another mystery that is plaguing the students at MMS concerns Dwight.  According to reports, ever since he transferred to Tippett, Dwight has become normal (boring).  He does his homework, he behaves in class, he’s given up origami (even Origami Yoda), and he’s just not as lively as he used to be.  What’s going on here?  Can Dwight’s friends—and even his arch-nemesis Harvey—discover the truth before both Dwight and Origami Yoda are gone forever?

Just like the other Origami Yoda books, The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee combines humor, Star Wars, art, and mystery to create a fun, fast read that everyone will enjoy.  And this isn’t the last we’ve heard from the students of McQuarrie Middle!  Something horrible is about to happen at their beloved school, and they’ll need to harness the power of the Force to fight it!

If you’d like to learn more about this fantastic series (including how to fold your own origami Star Wars characters), visit  Have fun!

Because of Mr. Terupt

In Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea, we follow seven students through their fifth grade year.  They’re all in Mr. Terupt’s class.  Mr Terupt is a new teacher.  Some students think he’ll be a pushover.  Some students see this class as their chance to start fresh.  But one thing is the same for all of them.  This year–and this teacher–will change their lives forever.

Mr. Terupt is a brand-new teacher at Snow Hill School in Connecticut. His fifth grade class if full of students who are as interesting as they are different. Jessica has just moved from California after her mom’s split with her dad.  Anna is a shy girl who is an outcast through no fault of her own.  Danielle is a girl who lets what others say and think matter too much.  Alexia is a mean girl who will create drama at the first opportunity.  Peter is a class clown who never seems to get into trouble.  Luke is the class brain and always has to have the right answer first.  Jeffrey hates everything about school…and home.

Somehow, Mr. Terupt manages to reach all of these students in his own special way.  For some of them, school is fun for the first time.  Other students are breaking out of their shells.  Some are realizing just how much their actions impact others.  Mr. Terupt is making a difference in these kids’ lives…but no one realizes how much this special teacher really means to his students until something happens that threatens to take him away forever.

What will the class do without their teacher?  Who is to blame for what happened to Mr. Terupt?  Will the students from Mr. Terupt’s class come together to support each other and their teacher, or will this tragedy erase all of the good that happened this year?  Read Because of Mr. Terupt, a nominee for the 2012-13 South Carolina Children’s Book Award, to discover how much one teacher–and one life-changing incident–can make seven students reexamine themselves and what really matters to them.

I cannot say enough good things about this book.  I totally related to several of the characters in this book, especially Danielle and Luke.  I couldn’t stand Alexia through most of the book, but I rejoiced when she turned everything around.  Jessica, Peter, Anna, and Jeffrey also stole little pieces of my heart.  All of these students became better people…and they did so with the help of one very special teacher.  Mr. Terupt, through his super-fun lessons and his ability to see what his students really needed, was a teacher who was able to reach his students in a way that no one ever had.

For more information on Because of Mr. Terupt and author Rob Buyea, visit

Doodlebug: A Novel in Doodles

Sometimes drawing helps students to focus…and that is the case with the main character in Doodlebug by Karen Romano Young.  This book–written almost entirely in doodles–tells about a girl who moves from Los Angeles to San Francisco and how she tries to find her voice–even when it seems like no one understands her.

After a bit of trouble at her school in Los Angeles–and her dad getting a new job–Dodo (real name Doreen) and her family are moving all the way up to San Francisco.  Dodo is not really happy about the move, and she decides to cope in her own special way…by doodling.  She doodles about her parents, her sister Momo, the new apartment they’re staying in, and her new school.  She even uses her doodles to reinvent herself.  Dodo is now known as the Doodlebug.

Doodlebug kind of likes her new school.  In a very short time, she makes a couple of pretty cool friends.  Unfortunately, she also gets in a bit of trouble (also in a very short amount of time).  She doesn’t want to screw things up at this school, but she just can’t seem to help it.  Things don’t get much better when a couple of her teachers try to make her quit doodling.  (The horror!)

While Doodlebug’s worrying about staying out of trouble (or at least covering up the trouble she’s already in), her sister Momo is dealing with her own brand of defiance, and her mom and dad are trying to keep the jobs that brought them to San Francisco in the first place.  Doodlebug does her best to be a good student (while still being able to doodle), and she may find some help–with a number of her problems–in some unexpected places.

Doodlebug is yet another nominee for the 2012-2013 South Carolina Children’s Book Award.  It’s a good book, an extremely quick read, and it’s different from a lot of other books out there, but part of me feels like it’s more suited to readers in middle school.  The main character is kind of sarcastic and has very little problem with rule-breaking.  (She is a seventh grader, after all.)  She’s impulsive and hard-headed as well.  I guess I just think that middle school readers will relate to the character of Doodlebug more that my sweet little angels in elementary school.  (See…I can be sarcastic, too!)

Even though I am a visual learner, it was sometimes hard for me to focus while reading this book.  My eyes didn’t know where to look first on some of the pages.  (I may be visual, but I’m also a very linear thinker.  I like order.)  Some readers may be turned off by the “busyness” of the pages.  On the other hand, it will be just what other readers are looking for.

I would recommend this book to readers in upper elementary (mature 4th or 5th graders) and middle school.  It’s a fast read that Diary of a Wimpy Kid fans will most likely enjoy.

If you’d like to learn more about Doodlebug and author Karen Romano Young, visit

After All, You’re Callie Boone

After All, You’re Callie Boone by Winnie Mack was a quick read–ideal for summer–that really resonated with me.  I identified with the character of Callie, and I think that a lot of other young girls–and even some older readers–will as well.

Callie Boone’s summer is not off to a good start. Her best friend since the first grade has, all of a sudden, decided that she’s too cool to hang out with Callie. Her uncle has moved twelve ferrets into the family garage. At the community pool–one of Callie’s favorite places in the world–she embarrasses herself in such a public and humiliating way that she can never go back there again. Her family is crazy, she has no friends, and she’s the laughing stock of her neighborhood. Will things ever get better?

Well, yes. She’s still got her diving practices with her dad, and Callie is nurturing a dream of becoming a champion diver–maybe even competing in the Olympics someday. Despite her public humiliation at the pool, Callie is determined to be the best diver she can be–even though she’s not even twelve.

Something else is going okay in Callie’s life. A new kid has moved in next door. He’s a little odd–his name is Hoot–but he may turn out to be the best friend Callie has ever had…if she can convince everyone that he is most definitely not her boyfriend.

As her summer progresses, Callie learns a bit about what it means to be a good daughter, a good friend, and a good person. Everything doesn’t always go well, but Callie discovers who she can truly lean on when things don’t go the way she plans. She starts paying more attention to those around her instead of focusing on herself all the time. But what will happen when tragedy strikes and Callie is forced to really trust in those around her, especially her crazy family and her friend Hoot? Will she revert back to her old ways, or will she step up and be the girl everyone thinks she can be? Find out if Callie can make it through when you read After All, You’re Callie Boone by Winnie Mack!

Darth Paper Strikes Back

If you haven’t already read The Strange Case of Origami Yoda, do that before proceeding.  The events in Darth Paper Strikes Back directly follow Origami Yoda.

Last year, students at McQuarrie Middle School began taking advice from a finger puppet.  This wasn’t, however, just any finger puppet.  This was Origami Yoda, and it seemed as if he was one with the Force, even though he was probably just a piece of paper sitting on Dwight’s finger.  Origami Yoda helped guys talk to girls, predicted upcoming pop quizzes, and stopped bullies in their tracks.  The Force was strong with this one.

Now, it’s one year later, and the Dark Side has descended on the students of McQuarrie Middle.  Dwight—along with Origami Yoda–is in danger of being expelled.  Who will give students guidance as they navigate the rough halls of middle school?  Chaos is rampant in Origami Yoda’s absence, and the situation is not helped by a new presence at the school—Darth Paper (an origami Darth Vader resting on the finger of Harvey, general negative guy and Dwight’s nemesis).  Darth Paper has brought the power of the Dark Side to McQuarrie Middle…and things are bad and getting worse.

It’s also becoming clear that Harvey and the evil Darth Paper could be responsible for getting Dwight and Origami Yoda kicked out of school in the first place.  Can the friends of Yoda overcome the Dark Side and redeem Dwight’s good name, or will the Sith rule at McQuarrie Middle School?  Read Darth Paper Strikes Back by Tom Angleberger to find out!

Just like The Strange Case of Origami Yoda, this book is a must-read for Star Wars fans.  In addition to an awesome story, Darth Paper Strikes Back contains instructions on how to create origami Star Wars figures and a cool game that would be super easy to play.

Adults, particularly educators, who read this book will also find something to enjoy.  Darth Paper Strikes Back addresses such issues as encouraging student creativity, how much emphasis is placed on standardized testing, school fundraisers, and taking action against bullies.

There is truly something for everyone in Darth Paper Strikes Back, and, if you pay attention, you’ll see that there might just be more origami Star Wars fun in the future.  For more information on this series, visit

Out of My Mind

In Sharon Draper’s Out of My Mind, we are introduced to Melody. Melody is almost eleven years old, and she has never spoken a word. She has cerebral palsy. Her disability limits her movement and her ability to speak, but her brain is just fine…but no one knows it. Melody has heaps of words piled up in her head. Words she wants to speak to her parents, words she wants to speak to her teachers and the kids at school, and words she just wants to use to be heard for once. Melody’s words are imprisoned in her own body, and she longs to break free.

With the help of some new technology–and inspiration from genius Stephen Hawking–Melody may have just found a way to communicate with the people around her. But will it be enough for them to accept that she’s just as smart–if not smarter–than they are? Or will they always see her as that weird girl in the wheelchair? How can Melody make them see that their own ignorance is a more crippling disability than what she faces every day? Read Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper to find out what happens when one girl finds her voice and let’s the world know who she really is.

I think every student, parent, educator, or anyone who works with children, especially children with special needs, should read this book. This book is a gripping portrayal of what life is like for one girl with cerebral palsy and how she struggles with misconceptions from the people around her. I think most people have been guilty of underestimating people with disabilities, and Out of My Mind could make people think before they continue to do this. In the words of Melody herself, “We all have disabilities. What’s yours?”

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda

Dwight is not a normal kid by any stretch of the imagination.  He’s probably the weirdest kid in the sixth grade, and he’s about to take his weirdness to a whole new level.  Dwight has created his own origami Yoda.  Yes, Yoda.  The little green Jedi master from Star Wars.  Origami Yoda even gives advice to the people around him, including Tommy, a sort-of friend of Dwight’s who needs an answer to a really important question.

Everyone knows it’s just Dwight speaking in a really bad Yoda voice, but why, then, does Origami Yoda seem to know things that no one, not even Dwight, could possibly know?  Is the Force flowing through Origami Yoda and helping the students at McQuarrie Middle School?

Tommy and his friends want to know the truth about Origami Yoda.  How can he possibly have all the answers?  And why does Dwight, on whose finger Yoda rests, not follow Origami Yoda’s advice?  Will Tommy be able to find out what’s up with Dwight and Origami Yoda before asking the most important question of his entire life?  A question about–gasp!–a girl?

Join Tommy, Dwight, Origami Yoda, and a whole cast of characters as they navigate the confusing world of middle school and try to find the answers to the really tough questions in life.  Can Origami Yoda help?  Read this book you must if to find out you want!

If you’d like more information on the Origami Yoda books, including the next book, Darth Paper Strikes Back, visit  May the Force be with you!